Friday 16 March 2018

Two tribes

How we handled differences of opinion before elections
We don't have Civil Wars in the UK anymore and neither do we have Robber Barons exerting their will over the populace through terror. Instead of all that we will be having Local Elections in May. So though we have a 'sort of' democratic alternative to war and bloodshed that isn't to say that feelings still don't run high during these local contests. It can all get pretty tribal and sometimes just a bit petty. The dodgy graphs, the dubious 'polls', the gamesmanship on the doorstep all plays its part in raising the tensions. In the last Local Elections my principal opponent was telling people on the doorstep that I had 'given up' in the election which certainly raised my hackles. When I confronted this with him he said to me " You have given up I can see the defeat in your eyes". I gave him what I felt was an appropriate response but I have to confess it wasn't really but it did feel right at the time. I behaved better towards him at the Count and didn't say the things I could have said.

So we are now entering 'Election Fever' time when  perspectives can become distorted and wnen some regard winning as the objective and how they get there of secondary importance. Political parties I guess are like human beings  as a whole. From our viewpoint we are the heroes of our own tales. Our mistakes are understandable and are excusable to us but our opponents errors are heinous crimes. This is the way it is in the world of Political Tribalism.

So far for me its been pretty tame stuff. An overenthusiastic opposition Tweeter who thinks that sending me pictures of dumped fridges and assorted rubbish is some sort of reflection of how good or not I and my colleagues are at doing our jobs. A Councillor who thinks me missing my train to the HRI trip to Westminister due to snowy weather is some sort of failing by me as opposed to just bad luck and implies as such on social media. Annoying? Yes. Petty? Certainly but all pretty minor stuff really so far.

So any conclusions? I guess keeping a cool head over the next few weeks. Do the work that is necessary, enjoy the contest and try to exhibit wisdom and dignity at all times. Unlike last time!

Here's Two Tribes by Frankie Goes to Hollywood

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