Sunday 1 November 2015

Backing the Bowlers

This Saturday morning Newsome Bowlers took back their Bowling Green. The claim made by the leaseholder of the former Newsome Working Mens Club (now The Newsome Tap) to the Bowling Green is highly suspect. The fact that his solicitor refuses to engage with the substantial arguments placed by the Newsome Community Sports  and Bowling Club on their claim to the land lends strong credence to the legitimacy of their claim. The regaining of access by Newsome Bowlers was not trespass as portrayed by the self styled 'businessman' who is behind the faltering ' Newsome Tap' but simply regaining of access to the Green that they and their predecessors had bowled on since 1905.

The Covenant on the Bowling Green means that it can only be used as a Bowling Green! There is very little chance that this covenant will be released by Kirklees Council at least while the local Councillors like myself are so supportive of the bowlers claim. Mr Stuart Smith has no use in the short or long term for the Bowling Green but the community do and the sooner he recognises the fact the sooner we can move along to a satisfactory resolution to this issue. Our door is open.

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