Sunday 22 February 2015

Passivhaus a mud hut according to the Conservatives

A mud hut - what Tory Cllr Donald Firth believes a Passivhaus looks like.
One particular treat from last Wednesday's Kirklees Budget meeting was Conservative Councillor Donald Firth's speech against the Green Party amendment. He declared that he had done some research into 'Passivhaus' design that we had proposed for around 50 homes in Kirklees. His 'research' revealed that we were asking people to live in mud huts. I don't know where he did his 'research' but it is probably the same place where he comes up with his bogus reasons to oppose every wind turbine that comes to Planning Committee. The last one that came up was probably the smallest wind turbine in the world. The fact that I supported the application in the ward he represents lead to a tirade of abuse from him and his fellow Tory Councillor Ken Sims after the meeting. Telling me to "keep my nose out of the Holme Valley". Their anti Green views are so venomous and obviously nonsense that its almost funny listening to them. It's like they've been preprogrammed by the Daily Mail. What is bizarre is that hey were opposing housing which will have  energy bills that are less than a £100/year meaning more money in the local economy, less fuel poverty and also less greenhouse gases. Still that's logic and that's a foreign land to Cllr Donald Firth.
A real Passivhaus at Denby Dale

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