Wednesday 9 April 2014

Euro Election Video Profile - Andrew Cooper Green Party Lead Candidate - 2014 European Elections

Andrew Cooper around Yorkshire and Humberside from Edgar Holroyd-Doveton on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. This man has walked miles and miles, spoken to more people on the road than Cameron has put into poverty. He has done more for the community and the people who live there, than just talk about doing it.
    There are not many people I would trust with my life and do what is right to preserve it. Andrew Cooper is a friend and is always welcome in our home, because he is a man I trust with my life. We may not always agree, but we do always meet a compromise, and to me a good politician is a politician that compromise rather than lose the fight or win and not listen to the rest.

    Andrew Cooper Will get my vote for Europe. Because I trust him to fight for us all and get the best he can, rather than just doing it for the Best headlines.
    Keep up the good work Andrew.
