A blog by Green Party Councillor Andrew Cooper about Green Politics, action on Climate Change, Kirklees Council and our activity to improve the local and global environment (and also anything that I fancy talking about)
Promoted and published by A Cooper, 76 Brockholes Lane, Holmfirth HD9 7EB
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Waterpark or Kingsgate 2
I've always admired Cllr Eduardo Rodriguez for his insightful comments on Kirklees Council. Here he outlines the waterpark proposals. The video below that is a spoof by some character who goes by the name of Cllr Mehboob Khan !
Thats Emperor Palpatine with Mr Khan!
ReplyDeleteWater Park = 1
ReplyDeleteKingsgate = 0
build a pond of success-so the water park isn't a spoof!